Selenium UI-Automation Framework – Learn By Questions

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Here’s a comprehensive list of more than 300+ questions covering Selenium and related topics, broken down into smaller, easier-to-understand concepts for learning step by step:

  1. What is Selenium?
  2. Why is Selenium used?
  3. What are the components of Selenium?
  4. Which browsers does Selenium support?
  5. Which programming languages does Selenium support?
  6. What is Selenium WebDriver?

Choosing a Programming Language

7. What factors should I consider when choosing a programming language for Selenium?

  1. What are the pros and cons of using Java for Selenium?
  2. What are the pros and cons of using Python for Selenium?
  3. What are the pros and cons of using C# for Selenium?
  4. What are the pros and cons of using Ruby for Selenium?

Learning the Chosen Programming Language

12. What are the basic programming concepts for my chosen language?

  1. How do I set up the development environment for my chosen language?
  2. How do I create and run a simple program in my chosen language?
  3. What are loops and conditionals, and how do I use them in my chosen language?
  4. How do I write and use functions in my chosen language?
  5. How do I work with data types and variables in my chosen language?
  6. What are classes and objects, and how do they relate to OOP in my chosen language?
  7. What are inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction in OOP?

Setting Up the Selenium Environment

20. How do I install Selenium WebDriver for my chosen language?

  1. How do I install a WebDriver for my preferred browser?
  2. How do I set up an IDE for my chosen language and Selenium?

Selenium Basics

23. What is the difference between Selenium WebDriver and Selenium RC?

  1. How does Selenium WebDriver interact with web browsers?
  2. What are the main features of Selenium WebDriver?

Locating Web Elements

26. What is a WebElement in Selenium?

  1. How do I locate elements using their ID?
  2. How do I locate elements using their name?
  3. How do I locate elements using their class?
  4. How do I locate elements using their tag?
  5. How do I locate elements using CSS selectors?
  6. How do I locate elements using XPath?
  7. What is the difference between relative and absolute XPath?
  8. How do I use XPath functions in my selectors?
  9. What are the best practices for choosing selectors?

Interacting with Web Elements

36. How do I click on a WebElement using Selenium?

  1. How do I type text into a WebElement using Selenium?
  2. How do I retrieve text from a WebElement using Selenium?
  3. How do I clear the text from an input field using Selenium?
  4. How do I submit a form using Selenium?
  5. How do I check if a WebElement is displayed, enabled, or selected?
  6. How do I get the attribute value of a WebElement?
  7. How do I get the CSS property value of a WebElement?
  8. How do I work with dropdown menus in Selenium?
  9. How do I work with radio buttons and checkboxes in Selenium?

Handling Waits

46. What are the different types of waits in Selenium?

  1. What is implicit wait, and how do I use it?
  2. What is explicit wait, and how do I use it?
  3. What is Fluent wait, and how do I use it?
  4. What are the best practices for using waits in Selenium?

Handling Alerts, Frames, and Windows

51. How do I switch to an alert using Selenium?

  1. How do I accept or dismiss an alert using Selenium?
  2. How do I retrieve the text from an alert using Selenium?
  3. How do I switch between frames using Selenium?
  1. How do I switch to the parent frame in Selenium?
  2. How do I switch between multiple browser windows in Selenium?
  3. How do I get the window handle of the current window in Selenium?
  4. How do I get the window handles of all open windows in Selenium?

Advanced Interactions

59. How do I perform a drag-and-drop operation using Selenium?

  1. How do I perform a right-click operation using Selenium?
  2. How do I perform a double-click operation using Selenium?
  3. How do I perform keyboard actions using Selenium?
  4. How do I perform mouse actions using Selenium?

Cookies, JavaScript, and Browser Navigation

64. How do I work with cookies in Selenium?

  1. How do I add, delete, and retrieve cookies in Selenium?
  2. How do I execute JavaScript in Selenium?
  3. How do I navigate back and forward in the browser using Selenium?
  4. How do I refresh the browser using Selenium?

Choosing a Testing Framework

69. What factors should I consider when choosing a testing framework?

  1. What are the pros and cons of using JUnit for Selenium?
  2. What are the pros and cons of using TestNG for Selenium?
  3. What are the pros and cons of using Pytest for Selenium?

Testing Methodologies

73. What are the different testing methodologies?

  1. What is Unit Testing, and how does it apply to Selenium?
  2. What is Integration Testing, and how does it apply to Selenium?
  3. What is Functional Testing, and how does it apply to Selenium?

Writing Test Cases and Assertions

77. How do I write a test case using my chosen testing framework?

  1. How do I run test cases using my chosen testing framework?
  2. What are test assertions, and how do I use them in my test cases?
  3. How do I create test suites in my chosen testing framework?

Selenium Automation Frameworks

81. What are the different Selenium Automation Frameworks?

  1. What is Linear Scripting (Record and Playback), and when should I use it?
  2. What is a Data-driven Framework, and when should I use it?
  3. What is a Keyword-driven Framework, and when should I use it?
  4. What is a Hybrid Framework, and when should I use it?
  5. What is the Page Object Model (POM), and when should I use it?

Implementing and Practicing Selenium Automation Frameworks

87. How do I implement Linear Scripting (Record and Playback)?

  1. How do I implement a Data-driven Framework?
  2. How do I implement a Keyword-driven Framework?
  3. How do I implement a Hybrid Framework?
  4. How do I implement the Page Object Model (POM)?

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

92. What is Continuous Integration (CI)?

  1. What is Continuous Deployment (CD)?
  2. Why are CI/CD important in software development?
  3. What are popular CI/CD tools for integrating Selenium tests?

Integrating Selenium Tests with CI/CD Tools

96. How do I integrate Selenium tests with Jenkins?

  1. How do I integrate Selenium tests with GitLab CI?
  2. How do I integrate Selenium tests with CircleCI?
  3. How do I configure my CI/CD tool to run Selenium tests automatically?

Docker and Containerization

100. What is Docker, and how does it help in test automation?

  1. What are the benefits of containerization in test automation?
  2. How do I create and manage Docker images for Selenium tests?
  3. How do I create and manage Docker containers for Selenium tests?

Selenium Grid with Docker

104. What is Selenium Grid, and how does it help in test automation?

  1. How do I set up a Selenium Grid with Docker for parallel testing?

106. How do I run Selenium tests across different browsers and platforms using Docker?

Best Practices

107. What are the best practices for writing maintainable Selenium test scripts?

  1. What are the best practices for writing efficient Selenium test scripts?
  2. What are the best practices for writing scalable Selenium test scripts?

Selenium with Cloud Testing Platforms

110. What are cloud testing platforms, and how do they benefit Selenium test automation?

  1. How do I use Selenium with Sauce Labs?
  2. How do I use Selenium with BrowserStack?

Selenium API Documentation

113. How do I explore the Selenium API documentation?

  1. How do I understand various functions and classes in the Selenium API documentation?

Practical Experience and Continuous Learning

115. How can I gain hands-on experience with Selenium test automation?

  1. What are some real-world web applications I can practice Selenium test automation on?
  2. How can I participate in online forums and communities to improve my Selenium skills?
  3. How can I contribute to open-source projects related to Selenium?

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October 2024